This is where our motto: “We Move Anything!” comes from. House and building moving is one of the oldest recycling businesses in the world. Careful planning and preparation always precedes the move, to ensure minimal damage to the structure.
Minty’s have moved the entire gamut of buildings: single and multi-unit dwellings, barns, sheds, skating rinks, right on up to grain elevators.
We come to your project with the most advanced equipment ever used anywhere in the world. Other companies are now using some of the equipment that our company invented to make our work simpler and to a better job for the customer. We strive to come up with a better, more efficient method of doing our customers work to save them money and make us more profitable.
In Canada, we have one of the largest inventory of specialized moving equipment to complete any size of building or structure to be moved, raised, or lowered.
A few of our larger beams:
- 140′ long 4′ x 4′ at 70,000 lbs
- 126′ long 32″ x 32″ at 50,000 lbs
- 109′ long 16″ x 21″ at 20,000 lbs
- 107′ long 16″ x 20″ at 24,000 lbs
- 88′ long 16″ x 19″ at 18,000 lbs
All of these beams are built to be coupled together with pins for projects with great length. They can be transported to the site very easily with our multi-axle steerable dollies. Once on site we utilize our hydraulic self-leveling steer able dollies to raise, support, and transport the load.
We also have the jacking capabilities to lift and move thousands of tons of any size of load. We have a variety of systems available, using either low or high pressure.
All of our equipment is available for us to do the job for you, or it is available on a rental bases to quailed movers in your area. We are available to consult with local movers on large moves, or we would consider joint venture with other movers to get the job done.
We have done large projects in all parts of Canada and the USA. Our equipment is built to be easily transported to other parts of the country in a very short period of time.